A series of breakfast events for bar & restaurant founders and their guests
John Bull, teams expert at 'Dont Let Politeness Kill performance
It is said that founding a business is up there with life’s great achievements. As success follows, so do layers of management. When founding our own businesses, we learnt (mostly from our investors) that the trickiest part is the inevitable introduction of new layers of management. At every one of these inflexion points (there are three) the founder gets further from the floor.
With this in mind, we’ve started our founders’ breakfasts. These run regularly, cover a range of management subjects (so far “The Founder as Coach”, “Managing Difficult Conversations”, “Growing the Organisation You Want” and “Letting Go”) and we’ve been joined by founders of 30+ independent hospitality businesses including: Cock and Tail, Crate Brewery, Dinner Ladies, Electric Star Pubs, Fallow, Finks Salt and Sweet, HAM Restaurants, Hawksmoor, Popham’s, Sophie’s, Super 8, and The Wood Street Bakery.
Led by specialist facilitators, the events are lively, informing and there’s always plenty to take away and act on.
£245+VAT (which can be used as credit against future bookings)